Enjoy this 165-word “Micro-Interview” by copywriter and creative director, Cameron Day:

Thanks, Cameron.

Let’s get started:

1| "Do you have a work routine?”

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I love mornings. I get up early and try to knock off by late afternoon. I'm not a procrastinator.

2| "What do you wish you'd known about your work when you first started?”

I had a big advantage. I had really solid advice. I wish I had listened more.

3| “What did your biggest professional failure teach you?”

Not to trust agency founders. To manage your own career and be

4| “Has anything helped you shorten your craft's learning curve?”

Being disciplined. Not bitch-bonding. going home when the work is done. Enjoying life.

5| “Do you have a book recommendation?”

So many great reads. I hope advertising people will read my Advertising Survival Guide trilogy.
Stage One: Chew With Your Mind Open
Stage Two: Spittin' Chiclets
Stage Three: Sticks & Stones (launching End of this Year)

6| “Any parting piece of advice?”

Tenacity is more important than talent. You're only as good as your last ad. Do the work.