
Recently, I saw this subject line in my inbox:

“Love how generous you are! BUT...”

I opened it.

“Eddie,” it read, “thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously. I just wonder what compels you? Aren’t you just creating competition for yourself?”

What compels me?

Last week, I watched The Playbook: A Coach’s Rules for Life. It follows Doc Rivers, the storied head coach of the Celtics.

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One of his rules is “Ubuntu is a way of life.”

Ubuntu is an African philosophy about togetherness, unity. It translates as “I am because we are.”


“A person is a person through other people,” explains Rivers. “I can’t be all I can be unless you are all you can be. I can never be threatened by you because you’re good, because the better you are, the better I am.”

In 1994, Ubuntu united South Africa, saving it from civil war. In 2008, it united the Boston Celtics, making them champions.

And now, the spirit of Ubuntu — here on LinkedIn and beyond — is uniting copywriters, making us all better, wiser, more generous.

I’m just grateful to be a small part of a big thing.

“Well,” I wrote back, “more ‘competition’ is one perspective. BUT here’s another...”

A solitary human is an oxymoron.

A solitary copywriter is, too. 



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Eddie Shleyner
VeryGoodCopy, founder
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