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Not too long ago, I re-read a fantastic book called Daily Rituals: How Artists Work.

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The author, Mason Currey, researched the routines of history’s most famous and influential creative minds — novelists and poets, playwrights and painters, philosophers and scientists — and compiled them into 161 quick, digestibles chapters, one per artist.

The first time I read it was for enjoyment. (It really is a quick, fun read.)

The second time I tried to find a theme, a pattern, something each artist had in common. I wanted to latch onto something, and emulate it, and use it for my own creative process.

But I didn’t find a theme. 

I didn’t find a pattern.

In fact, the only commonality was the fact that each artist's process was completely random and arbitrary, unique. 

And therein lies a comforting point: there is no wrong way to create, to do “creative” work. 

There is only YOUR way, the way that works for your brain, your unique disposition. 

At least that’s what I took away.

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