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The picture of creativity

Alien Worlds, the new Netflix documentary series, is the picture of creativity. 

The show is based on a simple theory…

All living things, no matter where they exist in the universe, have the same 3 needs:

  1. To eat

  2. To reproduce

  3. To evolve

The show’s hypothesis is also simple: 

“By applying the laws on Earth to the rest of the universe, it’s possible to imagine what could live in alien worlds.”

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Throughout the series, we’re shown examples of this imagined alien life — life potentially existing on planets outside of our solar system — modeled on the life we already know exists on Earth. 

And through this connection, this overlap between the known and the unknown, the audience is shown something familiar and, at once, something spectacularly new. 

And that there is the picture of creativity: 

Something familiar, reimagined; something familiar, made new.

If you can do this — if you can take an old story or concept or product, and present it in a new place or time or circumstance — you, too, have achieved creativity. You, too, are being creative. 

Because there is nothing truly new under the sun. 

New things are only born when you put old things together.


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