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I just rewatched 6 Days to Air.

It’s a documentary about South Park’s production schedule, which is the most grueling in broadcast tv:

Each episode is written, recorded, animated and delivered in just six days.

Trey Parker created South Park. Matt Stone, the co-creator, called Trey “the chef” — the force behind the show's success.

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In a scene from the documentary, Trey’s in his office eating McDonald's.

“How does McDonald’s affect your creativity?” the producer asked.

Trey took a bite, “It doesn’t.”

He wiped his mouth with his hand. “It just makes me happy for, like, 5 minutes.”

He reached for his Coke. “I hate writing so much ‘cause the writing part of it is actually so lonely… and sad… because I know everyone’s waiting for me to get it done… and just, like, that battle of fighting over lines and trying to figure out what’s the best way to say things.”

He took a sip. “I just hate it so much… and McDonalds is just a little bit of sunshine.”

Creative Loneliness is that feeling of dread or insecurity or hopelessness leading up to a breakthrough.

And if an Oscar nominated, Tony-winning, Grammy-winning genius like Trey Parker feels it, we can all feel it.

It’s real.

And it’s normal, too.



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