

G2.com is the world’s largest software review platform and marketplace. Every month, over 6 million people research, compare, and buy software on G2.

I worked as part of G2’s Creative Team to craft the branding and direct-response copy assets for G2’s first-ever conference in Chicago.


The best Sales & Marketing speakers in the country…


“Eddie Shleyner writes some very good copy.”


“I’m not joking, the man founded VeryGoodCopy. Eddie created succinct, compelling messaging that explained our vision to anyone who came across Reach. Messaging to the registered attendees, prospective attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and more came from Eddie’s brain.

He also helped me write my opening keynote for the event. Not only is he adept at wordplay, but he’s hilarious, encouraging, and stretches beyond his role to support in any way he can.”


Reach 2019: pre- & post-event landing pages

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