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It’s called Parkinson's Law.

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It states: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

So if you give yourself 4 hours to write something — an article, an email, a landing page, anything — Parkinson’s Law ensures you’ll take all 4 hours to complete it.

But Parkinson’s Law also ensures that if you give yourself only 2 hours to write that same thing, it WILL take you only 2 hours. It will. 

Try it for yourself. 

Try writing something in half the time it usually takes you… 

If you take it seriously — if you treat your countdown timer like a bomb set to blow at 00:00 — you’ll finish. You will.

And maybe you’ll even have a final draft. Or, more likely, you’ll have a first draft, something you can build on. Either way, you’ll be much further along than when you started. And you’ll get there in far less time because you’ll be forced to keep the work simple. 

You won’t have time to complicate things, to second guess your decisions, to doubt yourself. (That’s the secret.)

Try it.

You might just launch the most productive period of your life.

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VeryGoodCopy, founder
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