
Kels and I went to Home Depot.

“Line starts here, folks,” the guy said. “One in, one out.”

We stood in line, masks on. Mine was black. Kelsey’s was paisley. It was hot out. Breathing was hard in the mask.

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“Ok,” said the guy. “You can go in.” 

“Thanks,” we said.

Inside we got some flowers, herbs, dirt. 

“$53 even,” said the cashier.

At home, Kelsey made lunch while I toiled outside and drank beer. I planted the flowers, the basil, got sweaty, got dirty. 

Then I looked up. 

Kels was smiling at me through the window. I smiled back. She smiled bigger. 

Fact is, I didn’t pay $53 for flowers and herbs and dirt. I paid $53 for THAT moment, the feeling it gave me. 

In S1:E1 of Mad Men, Don Draper says: “Advertising is based on one thing,” he says, “happiness.” 

Good copywriting is often about noticing happy moments and then connecting them to products, turning them into ads.

“Happiness is the smell of a new car,” says Draper. “It’s freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that screams reassurance that whatever you’re doing… is okay.” 

Happiness is catching your wife smiling at you in the garden. 

And fact is, an ad for The Home Depot doesn’t need to be anything more than a simple scene like that.



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