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Ever stand between 2 mirrors? 

(Like, in a fancy bathroom? Or on an elevator?)

When you look into one mirror, you see your reflection repeating, over and over, smaller and smaller, one you after another. 

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And when you turn your head and look into the other mirror, it’s the same thing: your reflection, over and over, smaller and smaller, until you’re completely diminished, gone. 

But are you actually gone?

I dunno. 

I like to think you’re still there, in your place, neatly tucked away behind the “last” you. I like to think we’re all still there, yes, just very far and very small, out of sight. 

And I like to think our ideas are part of the same infinite continuum:

We can’t see far enough back to pinpoint where they began… 

And as long as people keep borrowing, iterating, twisting and shifting the ideas that came before them, we won’t see where they end. 

Every idea is a variation of another idea, another concept, some other thing. 

Behind every idea, there’s always another (and another, and another).




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